Monday, January 9, 2017

Spiritual Gifts Inventory Test

Have you recently done a Spiritual Gifts Inventory Test? If not, you really ought to. God gives us each our own gifts, to each and everyone of us. Has yours changed, grown, developed even deeper, or do you even know what YOUR very own gift is?? If not, you really should do so? 
Go to:

I got my top 5 in this order - 

1) Pastor/Shepherd
2) Exhortation
3) Mercy
4) Service
5) Discernment

I know what these each are, except the exact meaning of Exhortation.  So, I got out my book, "Discover Your God-Given GIFTS," by Don & Katie Fortune.  I looked up the Characteristics of the Exhorter.  It says, "that the teacher aims for your head, while the exhorter aims for your heart.  It is not so much the content that the exhorter wants to impart as that content can be made effective in peoples' lives. 

Everyone of the gifts can teach, but the exhorter makes the most interesting and palatable teacher.  All of his gifts are geared toward edifying and encouraging other people. We could have called this person the encourager.  In fact, the Greek word paraklesis means a calling to one's side to aid denoting both exhortation and encouragement.

The exhorter wants everyone to have a full, meaningful life.  Exhorters are builders, not of buildings, but of people.  They want to help people live up to their full potential.  Their greatest joy is being an instrument to help another live victoriously."

The expressions on people's faces, listening for reactions, and analyzes body language to know that he's really communicating, and that this person is listening and valuing the input of the exhorter.  

So this is what I found out, in short, of what an Exhorter is.  I plan to keep researching it, and reading all scripture related to my five highest Spiritual gifts.  Who knows, maybe this has something to do with the New Year...2017?!      

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